Saturday, August 4, 2012

a temper tantrum

When you think the next month of your life is going to change. You set up a budget, you know your daughter is coming to town and you'll be able to put a little bit in savings for once.

Then it happens... that moment in time when everything goes to shit!

     Tuesday morning started out to be a regular day, we were all laughing and having fun and woke up Daddy. For breakfast we were going to have a treat, it had been too long since we went some place for a fun breakfast. We headed down to Dunkin Donuts for some awesome coffee and donuts. Afterwards we ran over to walmart to grab a few things before my coupons expired. Yes I'm a couponer! I love it - saves me money! Anyhow... back to my day. We went to Wal-mart and grabbed those items, by the time we were leaving I realized it was getting close to my appointment to get an ultra sound on my pelvic. See last week the doctor's office called and said there was something going on with my ovaries. Not even a month before I had thought I found a lump in my breast. Only thankful that when I did tests there was nothing there!!! But when they did the blood test for the breast they found something wrong with my ovaries.

So it's one stress after another. I'm getting off track again! As we were driving to my appointment at the hospital we realized that the engine was getting hot and wasn't cooling down. As if we needed this problem. So I asked David to just drop me off at the hospital and head over to one of those places to get it checked out. I took Cassidy with me to my appointment and Dave took the boys with him. Cassidy and I had fun joking around and making fun of the Men's Volleyball Team on the Olympics. I told her I didn't think they should be in the Olympics and she than stated to me "Mom, it is a sport." Yeah it is!  We get through my ultra sound and then called David to pick us up.  We find out the bad news! The thermostat was rusted shut and that is why we were overheating. SON OF A B* we didn't plan for this.. well we started to head home and the car started overheating bad again, this time the engine was sounding like it was going to blow. (I know this sound so well) So we pulled over at a gas station, and we were stuck there for about 30 minutes before someone from Midis came out to help us. We took the blazer back to Midis and thinking we would just rent a car for a day or two. OMG The rental companies aren't like they used to. They wouldn't allow me to rent a car with a $200 deposit plus the fees to rent the car. At this point I only had $110 in the checking account. I had a mini break-down at midis! With everything going on with me and with Dave's work he can't afford to take time away or get into trouble.

The midis guy could see that we were stressed and pressed to have our blazer back. He struck a deal with us I was so grateful for it. He took what we had in the checking account which was $110. as a partial payment and we could come back tomorrow (Wednesday) for the remaining $123. This gave us much relief that the midis guy could do that for us and was able to complete the task in about an hour to hour and half. I didn't keep track for once I wasn't looking at my watch asking would they hurry up cause I was simply thankful they would do the work.  Businesses today don't usually work deals like with you, not like they used to, so I have to say the Midis in Port Saint Lucie is awesome!  We come home and I hadn't thawed any food especially since we didn't plan on being out all day. We left the house at 9:30am and didn't get home until almost 5 or 5:30pm, it was only supposed to be a quick trip .. ugh! We came home unloaded the car from our Walmart trip earlier that day, can also be thankful we had no cold/frozen items! (What a waste of money that would have been!) The kids run in to fetch Rocky and take him out when they discovered he tore up the carpet in front of my bedroom door!
Torn Carpet - Only padding remains! 

I had Dave cut off the ripped up carpet because it would interfere with the door opening and closing. It was really bad. As you can see it's a pretty big chunk of carpet. David was so pissed off I am still shocked that Rocky is still alive. I guess its cause I usually know how to calm David down. We ended up taking the $20 I had in savings (remember I said I was trying to save money.. haha, yeah right!) and moved it back to the checking account so we could order dinner. Dominos is our hero on nights like this!

     Wednesday came along and my body hurt! So I didn't do too much at all except play ref with the kids. I can't wait until school starts seems like the kids are always getting into a fight each hour of the day! Mom Reiley hit me.. Mom Cassidy kicked me! Just over and over but that's the life of siblings! Because of the pain I couldn't sleep by the time I start getting sleepy when the kids woke up. So I stayed awake all night and then...

     Thursday comes along.. all day long it was the same regular day - watching The Vampire Diaries Season 2 damn that friend of mine for getting me involved in another TV Series but I actually like it and Cassidy does too. Although she doesn't watch it as much as I do. She'll come in and sit down and start watching it. The she asks questions about what's going on. Its kinda funny but she usually does it at the wrong times. So I have to tell her to pause it and I tell her everything that's happened. Getting off track again.. about 3:45pm my ex husband calls making a fuss over money and flights. I swear really. So I had to call the airline about Katelyn's flight it was another stress trigger - He called! usually never good when he calls me - I called Southwest Airlines to get Katelyn's flight fixed. I was crying of course cause I felt that she wasn't going to be able to come visit this year. I didn't think Southwest was going to help me or I wasn't going to be able to afford new tickets. As I was talking to the woman we did find a suitable flight for Katelyn to fly into West Palm Beach. She doesn't have to change plans like before but she will have to fly longer on the plane than the first flight I had chosen for her. B had mentioned that instead of her flying back to Michigan that he wanted to meet her in Denver. I got that also worked out but instead of her flying out of West Palm Beach she will be flying out of Tampa. *Sigh* Tampa is about 3 hours from where I live, which means that I will probably end up spending the night at my Dad's house the night before. I got all that situated thankfully but didn't help my stress level much.

 Dave calls me to let me know he's on his way home! About 15-20 minutes later I get another phone call from my husband who is stressed out and yelling that the tire blew out. It was sooo bad!

So as you can see from the pictures .. we needed to buy a new tire too. It was horrible he had only left work was on the highway when it happened and he didn't have a spare. So we called the insurance company to double check to see if we had roadside service.. we don't. So I told him to call our cell provider sometimes that's part of the plan.. it wasn't. So he calls the insurance company back and they assist him with getting intouch with a tow truck. I assume it was cheaper rate doing this but I don't know. I just know Progressive charged us $117 for a tow. While Dave was waiting for the tow guy I asked for the tire size and found that it was going to be about $135 to $156 for a new tire.. just 1 new tire.  Usually if you buy a tire it's highly recommended to buy a 2nd new tire.. My stress was through the roof at this point.

Facebook is usually my outlet on my problems. Thursday night I posted something can't remember exact words but it went something to the effect is.. "Why does this shit fucking happening to me!" So I blew up after I seen a friend say something! I know she didn't know what was going on instead of saying something out of anger I did what is best for me and all my friends. I deactivated my Facebook account. I don't need to be venting there anymore anyway. But it was my temper tantrum for the week. I just couldn't handle it anymore. I really lost it. I still don't really know why I am allowing things to get me down. I am so stressed out lately I can't sleep when I do finally get to sleep I don't or can't wake up.

Thank goodness Friday comes! Katelyn will be here tomorrow oh but wait! I can't seem to move all the muscles in my body are so sore over all the stress this week! So today again I had to relax and hopefully  release all the stress. I have taken all my meds and now I'm ready for my body to say "Ok time for bed" well it's 4:30am Saturday morning and I'm here writing cause I can't seem to sleep. *smh*

Today is going to be a great day! Happy Saturday!

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