Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fibromyalgia is my curse

Everyday is just another day, I just wait until my pain becomes overly too baring on my day where I can't do anything. Today I start out by getting my daughter ready for school going over her homework before she leaves for the bus. I walk her to her bus stop with no issues. Once Cassidy is on the bus I turn back to but my son's car seat into the car and then I see 3 figures walking down the road; one tall, one medium and a lil guy. Here they come! I realize that my friend's oldest daughter will sit with my kids while taking my friends smaller kids to their day school, this was a big help! My 1st son Reiley doesn't really like leaving their school he wants to go so bad! I keep telling him "Next Year"!

I get the kids to their school and rush back stopping at walgreens to pick up diapers for my youngest baby. While I was at the day school the cutest thing happened. I had about ten 2 year olds come up to me giving me all high fives! It was so cute even one little boy ran across the room to give me a high five before I walked out the door. This I think so far was the highlight of my day!

I'm home now, I get the baby out of his crib change his bottom and give kisses and hugs! Set him down on the floor to play! Reiley is content with his DS Game System he loves that new toy of his! Then I walk into the kitchen and glance at the laundry and want to scream!!!!

There is such a large pile of laundry I will be doing laundry for the rest of the day - doesn't seem like my husband can't even help start a load or finish. With my condition my chores become harder for me on a daily basis and since last weekend I was in such pain I didn't do anything but relax. I guess this shows that I can't relax and I must regardless of what is going on continue to do my daily chores around the house!

Written : April 24, 2012
Posted : Aug 02, 2012

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